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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Alexander Technique Teacher Training

What sort of people train as a teacher of the Alexander Technique?

What sort of people train as a teacher of the Alexander Technique?

People from all kinds of backgrounds train as AT teachers. Teachers usually (but not invariably) have a good general education and an interest in their own and other people’s growth, development and well-being. Many already have established careers based on other professional skills. The current trend towards teachers from a broad range of different backgrounds is very welcome, as it has the potential to widen public interest in our work.


People of any age can train as AT teachers. On our course, students have been as young as 20 and as old as 70 when commencing their training, and most have gone on to worthwhile careers as teachers.

How do I know if I am suited to be an Alexander Technique teacher?

As with any profession, some people will be more suitable for this work than others. And, as with any profession, our interest in and wish to pursue this work is probably our best guide to the work that will suit us.


Training as an AT teacher is, for the most part, a process of coming to a deep level of understanding of the principles and practice of the Technique for ourselves, and the ability to apply these principles consistently in our daily lives. This is because the greater part of the skills required to teach the AT to others comes as a result of our own experience. For this reason, the first and most important reason to want to train as an AT teacher is because you would like to learn to apply the Technique to this depth.


Many of the finest teachers started with this motivation, the desire to study the Technique in depth for their own benefit. The wish to teach it to others often comes later in the process, when new AT teachers discover (as do all good teachers in any field) that one of the best ways to understand something more clearly is by teaching it to others.


Because our work leads inevitably to “personal growth”, in the sense of developing into a more balanced, refined, self-aware and clear-minded person, the wish to apply these principles in our own lives and, later, to assist others to apply them in theirs, is a further quality invariably to found in the most valued teachers of the Alexander Technique.

How do I know if I am suited to be an Alexander Technique teacher?
How much does Alexander Technique teacher training cost?

If can only train in one area, then outside of cities such as London and New York you may be limited by local availability.


If you have the freedom to choose, then there are several things to consider. A good training will set you up for a lifetime of development as a teacher, and so the quality of the training on offer should be your first priority. This is not always easy to evaluate and compare but certain metrics, such as the amount and quality of individual attention available on a course, the pleasantness of the environment and the general ‘atmosphere’ of the course should all be considered. Visiting each possible course several times is probably the best way to determine these, and most good training courses will permit or even encourage this.


After that, you may wish to compare the course fees (see “How much does training cost” below) and the cost of living in different locations. If you wish to train part-time, you will need to find out which courses allow this option and the degree of flexibility allowed by each course. (see “Can I train as a teacher part-time?” below).


Most, but not all, courses in the UK and elsewhere have been approved by STAT or its internationally affiliated bodies. Although some courses that are not approved by STAT may offer good trainings, some may not, and STAT approval is generally a good guarantee of standards, leads to an internationally recognised qualification and membership of by far the largest representative body in the UK and offers protection and support for students should things go wrong. In addition, Student Membership of STAT offers many other advantages to trainee teachers. For more information, see "Is MATTS a STAT-approved training school?" below.

How do I find a good teacher training course?

How much does Alexander Technique teacher training cost?

The cost of training as a teacher varies (within a relatively narrow range) between schools due to a number of factors including overheads, what is included in the fees, and the number and experience of the teachers employed. There is a link to the websites of all the STAT-approved schools on this page. However, since some of the schools may not have not updated their information recently, potential trainees are advised to contact the schools individually for up to date information. Also, potential trainees should note that, since there may be a considerable variation in what schools offer trainees (whilst still meeting the STAT-mandated minimum requirements) these fees are not always a reliable guide to 'good value', as such.


Course fees at MATTS are currently £7,560 per year for full-time training or £63 per day for part-time training (September 2024). MATTS provides a much higher teacher-student ratio than most training courses and has an exceptionally high proportion of very experienced teachers. In addition, we exceed the minimum required hours of training each year, include most sundry costs (such as catering) and only charge part-time students for the days that they actually attend the school on a completely flexible basis, and without notice. You can find more information about course fees at MATTS on the teacher training page.

How do I find a good teacher training course?

Can I work to support myself financially during training?

Many students need to earn an income during their training, including those that train full time.


At MATTS we make this considerably easier with our arrangements for part-time training that allows each of our students to choose their own training schedule. It is recommended that students attend a minimum average over the course of each year of 50% of classes (an average of two of our four available mornings, 9 am – 1 pm, Wednesday to Saturday each week) during term time (36 weeks each year). Students are completely free to choose which classes to attend, without notice.

Can I work to support myself financially during training?
How long does it take to train as an Alexander Technique teacher?

How long does it take to train as an AT teacher?

​STAT guidelines for full-time training require 533 class hours per year over a minimum period of three years, 1600 class hours in total, plus at least 800 hours of home study.


Part-time study is also an option on most training courses, see the next question below "Can I train as a teacher part time?" Part-time students need to complete the same number of hours of training as full-time students, but can do so over a longer period.


AT MATTS we provide three 12-week terms each year (making a total of 36 weeks), with each term divided by a half term week, making about 570 class hours available for students each year.

Can I train as a teacher part-time?

Can I train as a teacher part-time?

Whilst it is true that a greater intensity of training offers many advantages to trainees, there is now very strong evidence that part-time training works just as well for most students. Nowadays most (but not all) STAT-approved training courses allow students to train part time. However, the rules vary considerably between courses, with some requiring a formal commitment to a minimum rate of training each week, whilst other courses allow more flexibility.


MATTS offers students an unrivalled flexibility in training options. Students are free to decide to come to classes on a completely flexible basis, without providing any notice of which classes they will attend. We usually recommend that students try to attend for a minimum average of 50% of classes (2 class per week) over the period of any year (36 weeks), although this is not of vital importance except, sometimes, in the last few months of training. There is further information about part-time training at MATTS about halfway down the Teacher Training page.

Will I be ready to teach at the end of my training?

The 1600 hours of training mandated by STAT brings the great majority of candidates to the high standard required to fulfil the STAT qualifying assessment for new teachers, and many well beyond that. However, occasionally a student may need more time to develop their skills to the level required to start teaching. Where this happens, most often it is not through any “fault” on the part of the student or their training, and it is worth noting that some of most highly regarded teachers in our profession needed to extend their training.


At MATTS, if the training course moderator and/or directors think that a longer training may be required, they will inform the student as soon as this becomes clear in the third year of training.

Will I be ready to teach at the end of my training?

Is post-graduate training required after qualification?

New teachers of the Alexander Technique are near the beginning of a process of developing the skills that will continue to develop throughout their lives. Any AT teacher, even those of the greatest experience, will tell you that they continue to learn new things each day. STAT requires that teachers devote at least a proportion of their time to CPD, and this can be in the form of taking private lessons, work-exchange, attending (or presenting) workshops, research and/or other AT and related events.


MATTS has a long tradition of being particularly supportive of our graduates, should they wish to continue to visit the school, where work experience, work exchange, 'turns' (short individual lessons) from senior teachers and supervised hands-on practice are always available free of charge.

Is post-graduate training required after qualification?

Do all training course graduates go on to teach?

Do all training course graduates go on to teach?

A strong desire to teach the Technique as a profession is not a prerequisite of training, and many people initially join the course for their own personal development. It is common for students to experience their training as a transformational and life-changing experience, as they become increasingly able to appy the principles in their own lives with a clarity and depth not usually possible with a course of private lessons. The desire to teach the Technique to others is often something that gradually develops as the training progresses. The majority of our graduates go on to teach, but not all do, and a career in teaching the Technique is neither expected nor required of trainees and graduates.

Is the Alexander Technique generally known and considered to be of value?

Is the Alexander Technique generally known and considered to be of value?

The Alexander Technique was developed over 100 years ago and since that time the number of teachers (and therefore the public awareness of the AT) has increased gradually. In several areas of the performing arts the Technique is very well-known, and it is taught in most conservatoires of music, drama and dance in the UK and around the world.


Due to the recent publications in major medical journals of large, randomised studies on the effectiveness of the AT for common problems such as chronic low back pain (where it appears to be more effective than any other known intervention), neck pain and Parkinson’s disease, the Technique is increasingly being recognised by the medical establishment, and it is in this area that recognition of the Technique is most likely to expand in the coming years.

Will I be able to make a good living as an Alexander Technique teacher?

Although some AT teachers work in institutions such as schools of music, drama and dance, and some teachers have found work in large companies, private schools or in GP practices, most teachers are self-employed. Self-employment comes with many advantages, such as the ability to choose when and where to work. It also comes with several challenges, such as the need to build your own teaching practice and to make allowances for your own sick pay and pension.


Many AT teachers choose to combine teaching the Technique with other, related vocations, such as in the performing arts or physical therapies, or in other professions that include helping or teaching others.


There is no question that being a successful self-employed Alexander Teacher requires more self-motivation and initiative than many paid jobs. It can take some time to establish a successful practice and in the first few years some teachers may find that they need to supplement their income by taking other work. That having been said, once established, even a very modest size practice can provide a reasonable income.

Will I be able to make a good living as an Alexander Technique teacher?
What is it like to be an Alexander Technique teacher?

What is it like to be an Alexander Technique teacher?

The Alexander Technique is a principle, the systematic application of which leads to an increasingly profound understanding. With this comes a lifelong interest and a reliable source of inspiration and joy.


Teachers of the Alexander Technique enjoy exceptional professional freedom. We can choose our own hours of work, our location and our work-life balance. Our students are generally delightful and each one is different, presenting us with a stimulating challenge, embarking with us on a course of discovery that is always interesting, exciting and deeply rewarding.


Ours is a relatively small profession and almost invariably vocational. Because of this, teachers are generally friendly and supportive of one-another and of trainee teachers. Even a few days’ visit to our training course will make that clear to any visitor!


It is well-known that AT teachers rarely retire: nearly all of the teachers trained by Alexander were still teaching after the age of 80 and many of them after the age of 90. Many of these "first generation" teachers were of “independent means” and were certainly not working for the money.


Teaching the AT is meaningful work, energising and inspiring, and keeps teachers strikingly healthy into extreme old age. And, since greater experience as a teacher almost invariably leads to greater skills, older teachers are especially sought after by the most dedicated students. And for those that need the income in later life, teaching the Technique can provide congenial work well into old age.

What qualifications do I need to teach the Alexander Technique in the UK?

What qualifications do I need to teach the Alexander Technique?

In theory anyone could call themselves an AT teacher although fortunately, in practice, this rarely happens! The overwhelming majority of teachers in the UK have been properly trained and are members of STAT (see below, "Is MATTS a STAT-approved training school").


Membership of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority is increasingly required for teachers wishing to work at colleges and other institutions, and is required to obtain referrals from, or to work in, the NHS. Joining the CHNC can be an arduous process, but MATTS is one of only three STAT-approved teacher-training courses in the UK whose graduates are eligible immediately, and without any further study, examination or teaching experience, to become members of the CNHC.


There is information about qualifications for teaching in other countries on our International Students page.

What is it like to be an Alexander Technique trainee teacher?

What is it like to be an Alexander Technique trainee teacher?

Most people experience the AT training to be deeply rewarding. Training as a teacher is largely practical, with total immersion into the many benefits of the Alexander Technique. Students generally experience a growing sense of mental and physical well-being and strength, clarity of thought and balance in their lives.


You can find some impressions of the experience of training by some of our current trainees here.

Is MATTS a STAT-approved training school?

Is MATTS a STAT-approved training school?

Yes. STAT is the original, and by far and away the largest and most important AT teachers' organisation in the UK. It is the parent body of the great majority of organisations that represent AT teachers around the world, and nearly all such bodies are affiliated with, and base their rules and regulations on, those of STAT. STAT has rigorous standards for the approval and regulation of training courses and for the qualification of teachers.


There is more information in various places on the teacher training page and there is a list of some of the many advantages of joining a STAT-approved training course on the STAT website here.

Does MATTS have a particular approach to, or style of training?

Does MATTS have a particular approach to or style of training?

Yes. The general approach to training at MATTS is described in some detail on the teacher training page, especially in the section headed ‘Philosophy and Aims’.


​Most STAT-approved Alexander Technique training courses are based on the same principles, teach similar course material and do similar practical work. However, there are always some differences between individual training courses and, additionally, there are three identifiable “streams” of training, going back to the different schools set up by Alexander’s own students. These distinctions, although important to some teachers, especially in the past, are generally considered to be of relatively small significance to most teachers nowadays. The current director of MATTS is unusual in having been influenced by all three of the major schools, having studied extensively with the three original trainers and with several of their most influential students.

What qualifications do I need to enrol as a student at MATTS?

What qualifications do I need to enrol as a student at MATTS?

There are no formal requirements for enrolment onto our course. However, applicants should have a good level of general education (however obtained, including from "life experience"), a reasonable level of maturity, and possess the interpersonal skills necessary to become an effective teacher of the Alexander Technique. There is more information under the heading “Admission Criteria” on the teacher training page.

Does MATTS welcome international students?

Does MATTS welcome international students?

Yes, we do! We usually have several trainee teachers from other countries on our course and we are visited by post-graduate students from all over the world for varying periods of study. We can support you with advice on obtaining a visa and may be able to arrange accommodation for you.


There is detailed information for students from other countries on our International Students webpage.

Other resources

Other resources

Information about teacher training on the STAT website:

A page of resources about AT teacher training:

General FAQs about AT lessons:

General FAQs about AT lessons:

I have a question that is not answered here...

I have a question that is not answered here...

Please feel free to contact us with any other questions you have.


We welcome visits by prospective trainees. If you are considering training as an Alexander Technique teacher, then you may find that visiting us will answer many of your most important questions.

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