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Course Overview

Course Overview

​MATTS is a STAT-approved professional training course for teachers made up of 1600 class hours and 800 hours of home study. STAT represents the great majority of teachers in the UK; and it's affiliated societies abroad have similar training standards and represent the great majority of teachers around the world. Graduates are certified by STAT and are then eligible to join the Society or any of its international affilicates as full Teaching Members.


Because we adhere to the core curriculum of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), and graduate our students through the STAT Assessment Process (SAP), MATTS is one of only three STAT-approved teacher-training courses whose graduates are eligible immediately, and without any further study or examination (which is very onerous), to become members of the CHNC, which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). This membership is increasingly required for teachers wishing to work at colleges and other institutions, and is required to obtain referrals from, or to work in, the NHS.

Full-time training usually takes three years. However, many of our students choose to train part-time over a longer period.


The MATTS course, in common with other Alexander Technique (AT) teacher training courses, aims to assist the student on a path of integrated personal growth and development through applying the principles of the Technique in daily life, the fundamental basis for a career as a teacher of the Technique.

The course has an essentially practical orientation. Students learn through their own experience, thereby developing the self-knowledge needed to assist others to learn the Technique.

Philosophy and Aims

Philosophy and Aims

Training as an Alexander Technique teacher (as well as working as an Alexander Teacher) is a balanced combination of a path of personal growth and vocational training.


MATTS continues in a long tradition of training courses pioneered by Alexander himself and further developed by his some of his most notable successors. This approach is organised around the individual’s own experience, insights and learning process. It adheres closely to traditional methods of training in refined skills where a clear and consistent emphasis on basic principles is seen as the true foundation of a sound training. This is because it is only once these basic principles are adequately understood, and can be applied consistently in the teaching situation, that each individual teacher has a basis from which to further explore and develop.

A celebration of different teaching styles

MATTS teachers are committed to the exploring a wide variety of teaching methods and skills (within the context of a training rooted in principle) in order to support teachers to feel empowered to become the kind of teacher that works best for them.

A safe and supportive learning environment

A safe environment is one in which students and teachers feel secure and confident to explore new ideas and experiences; to take the risks in thought and action that bring about true change, and to grow in the well-founded self-reliance needed to become an effective teacher.


In addition to the example (exemplar and modelling) of MATTS teachers, students are be encouraged intellectually to explore and understand the principles that create such an environment. For example, during the training there will be a series of interactive talks by two academic psychologists on the modern ‘person-centred’ philosophy of education and subjects such as ethics in teaching relationships will also be covered.


The primary aim of an AT lesson (and the larger part of the training consists of AT lessons in various forms), is to provide a student with the best possible opportunity to experience an improving manner of “Use”, together with an greater understanding of how to employ the principles of the AT to bring this about, and this is most often experienced as very rewarding. However, at some points during their training most students will feel confused, or lose confidence, or feel strongly challenged. We make every effort to see that students are given the space and support to work through these periods at their own pace, supported by our care, constructive feedback and the celebration of their progress.

Our teachers and students are all very different individuals, and we love that! And, whilst recognising the role of unconsious bias, we celebrate diversity and inclusivity and reject prejudice and discrimination of any kind.

The participation of all

Everyone connected with the school (qualified teachers and trainees alike) is encouraged and expected to take an active interest in, and responsibility for, the welfare of the school and the on-going development of the course.


Teachers on AT training courses serve more than they sometimes realise as personal examples or models of the profession for students.


Students on AT training courses are generally mature adults and are encouraged as such to take responsibility for their own regular attendance and their development (with the support of the teachers) into highly skilled, professional exponents of the Technique.


Whilst being always aware that a beginning student has a rather different level of skill than an experienced teacher nonetheless, and at every stage, we are all dedicated to growing in our understanding of the same principles together, each in our own unique way.


Key aims of the training
The MATTS course centres around the development of the trainee’s own "manner of use" in life in general and in the teaching situation. The most important parts of an Alexander Technique professional training is to develop trainees’ understanding of the core principles and teaching methods of the Technique and to enable them to teach in an effective, open-minded, ethical and self-directed manner. The emphasis is on empowering individual trainees to take charge of their own development, in particular by managing their own process of change in their general manner of Use of themselves and of their teaching skills.

Post-graduate support

Part of a thorough training is helping students to understand that being awarded a certificate is, in some ways, only the start of a continuing journey of growth in understanding and skill on which most people need support to succeed. All teachers, and most especially new teachers, can benefit from Continuous Professional Development (CPD). Isolation can lead to a loss of confidence and skills needed to build a successful practice.


We continue in the MATTS tradition of encouraging teachers to visit the school as often as they would like after graduation without charge. Should the school close in the future, we expect to be able to continue to provide an environment, or see to it that an environment is created, designed to provide easily accessible, regular CPD support for teachers at a nominal cost.

Course Structure and General Outline

Course structure and general outline

Course dates and timetable

The course dates and timetable can be found on this page.


Course structure

Principally through experience, but also through academic study, students are guided to an understanding of the basic principles of the Technique: Primary Movement/Primary Control, Unreliable Sensory Appreciation, Use affects Functioning, Psycho-Physical Unity, Inhibition and Direction, and the relationship between Means and Ends, including the practical and theoretical meaning of the terms ‘means-whereby’ and ‘end-gaining’. An understanding of the force of habit, and of how the principles of the Technique can be applied systematically to overcome this, is at the core of the training.

Practical orientation - MATTS, in common with all Alexander Technique trainings, has an essentially practical orientation (80%) supplemented by lectures (20%) and self-study. Students learn principally through their own experience, thereby developing the self-knowledge needed to assist others to learn the Technique. Classes mainly comprise individual ‘hands-on’ mini-lessons (‘turns’), directed activities (‘games’), supervised hands-on practice in small groups to develop teaching skills (‘groups’) and series of lectures and readings (‘talks’).


‘Turns’ – Assisting students to improve their own Use is the foundation and the indispensable part of any training as a teacher of the Alexander Technique. With a high ratio of teachers to students, and a high proportion of very experienced teachers, students are offered training well in excess of STAT minimum requirements, both in terms of quality and quantity.


‘Games’ - Students are guided, through a series of ‘Games’ in the application of the principles of the Technique to everyday activities such as lifting and carrying, using a computer and mobile technology, climbing stairs, walking, running the basics of saddle work, voice work, the Dart procedures and much more.


The training includes all of the core procedures used in the teaching of the Technique including: chair work, table work, ‘monkey’, walking, squatting, up on the toes, wall work, lunge, hands-on-back-of-chair and the whispered ’ah’ and directing in “semi-supine”, often within the context of the daily ‘Game’.


‘Groups’ - Students undertake supervised hands-on work from the start. The central goal of all hands-on practice is to prioritise the individual student’s general manner of Use, this being carefully maintained whilst gradually undertaking, through a step-by-step programme under the guidance of an experienced teacher, increasingly demanding activities as required in the usual teaching procedures.


‘Talks’ - Most of the book readings, discussions in class and the private study of students, are aimed at an understanding of the principles and the use of the procedures outlined in Alexander’s books, on which the entire training is based. Daily readings and lectures are geared towards a growing knowledge of the books of Alexander and the history and principles of the AT. These are supplemented by readings and discussions based on other important books on the Technique.

Lecture courses include basic anatomy and physiology, an overview and assessment of current research on the AT, the basic theory and practice of education including ethics, educational theory, performing arts pedagogy, science-based studies in human potential, basic neuroscience (especially as relates to pain), basic training in ‘red flag’ recognition and common relevant medical conditions (including an emphasis on the limits of competence and the need for referral). Understanding of the Technique is informed by the trend for greater collaboration between areas of scientific study.

Homework - trainees are required to complete at least 8 hours of home study each week (pro rata for part-time students), including the application of the Technique to daily activities, practicing semi-supine, reading the books on the reading list, keeping a reflective diary (students are given guidance and support in how to do this), reviewing academic modules and special topic preparation. Later in training, homework includes the preparation of public talks and courses on the AT and the careful reading of the STAT Code of Professional Conduct and Professional Competence and other STAT policies.

Stages of training

Year 1 - Training focuses on individual trainee's learning, to improve his or her own self-awareness and manner of Use, an indispensable pre-requisite for teaching an improved use of the self to others. Short, one-to-one "turns" (mini-lessons) are the basis of the practical training, together with work in small groups. Alongside this, there is study of the written works of F M Alexander and other related literature.

Year 2 - The second year focuses more on learning to maintain one's own self-awareness and poise whilst working with others and on developing the refined manual skills and psycho-physical procedures used in teaching the Alexander Technique. Considerable class hours are required to develop in the trainee the acute sensitivity of hand contact required. There is further study of related topics to give the trainees sufficient knowledge to understand the intellectual and scientific concepts underlying the work.

Year 3 - The final year focuses on the practical aspects of Alexander teaching. The trainee progresses from practising on colleagues to supervised practice with people from outside the course. The habits of disciplined self-awareness developed in the first two years are put to the test in this situation, as the trainees must gradually learn how to maintain a satisfactory standard in the use of themselves as they work with others so as to have the sensitivity required to help a new student. Development of verbal teaching instruction and presentational skills are also included, and there is some study of the psychological and ethical aspects of both learning and teaching the Alexander Technique. Trainees are given some guidance in the practical skills required to manage their own teaching practice.

Preparation for teaching

As part of the training there will be a review of the STAT professional codes of conduct and competence and some formal guidance on working with individuals and groups and building and managing a successful practice.


In their final year students, where possible, are given opportunities to sit in on and, when ready, assist with group adult education classes and public talks. There are many such courses and talks in the area each year offered by regular MATTS teachers. In addition, on request, final term students are offered opportunities to shadow local teachers in their private teaching.

Curricula for STAT-Approved and CNHC-Registered Training Courses

This is a draft curriculum for STAT approved training courses. Although this document is still a "working draft", and not yet formally adopted by STAT, it gives a clear overview of what to expect on a STAT training course for teachers.

The CNHC Alexander Technique Core Curriculum, outlines what to expect on a AT teacher training that is registered with the CNHC. MATTS is one of the three STAT-approved courses currently registered with the CNHC, see below under 'Assessment and Qualifications', in the 'Qualifications' section.

Admission Criteria

Admission Criteria

There are no formal entry requirements but candidates must generally be of sound health, character and education. These are defined loosely – for example, many types of health problem would not lead to the rejection of a candidate and a life rich in experience or private study would certainly qualify as a substitute for formal education. However, candidates must be in sufficiently good health to be able to participate (with reasonable allowances) in the training, of good enough character to be able to work well with other people in an intensive environment, possess the personal and social skills required of a professional teacher of the AT and be sufficiently educated to be able to make adequate use (allowing for some assistance) of the more theoretical and philosophical aspects of the training and of the Technique.


In addition,

  1. A reasonable course of instruction in the Alexander Technique on the basis of individual lessons and/or training class visits is presumed. However the Alexander Technique, and the principles upon which it is based, are fundamental to ALL activities and almost any form of previous training or experience can be an advantage.

  2. Prospective students need to demonstrate a compelling interest in deepening their understanding of the Alexander Technique. Our work is at least as much a vocation as a profession; neither students nor qualified teachers are likely to succeed without such an interest.

  3. Prospective students need to demonstrate a compelling interest in their own personal development. Change is often profoundly challenging, and it unlikely to be consistently undertaken by those who do not have a strong desire to grow.

  4. Candidates must be aged at least 18 years and it is generally acknowledged that those over 21 years with some life experience are more suited to this training. There is no upper limit on the age of candidates so long as they are in good general health.

  5. Entry requires the completion of an Application Form and an interview with the Course Director, the Director Emeritus and the Assistant Director. This includes ‘hands-on’ working as in a typical Alexander lesson. These may be waived for frequent visitors who we have come to know well.

  6. Students are required to become Student Members of STAT (see below).

  7. All students are initially accepted on to the MATTS course on a probationary basis.

Prospective candidates are strongly encouraged to visit the school on several occasions before applying.


STAT Student Membership
On commencement of their course, students must become ‘Student Members’ of STAT and agree to be bound by its rules. In particular, students entering the training course must agree not to teach the Alexander Technique except under the supervision of the Head of Training, nor hold themselves out as teachers of the Alexander Technique until they have been formally Assessed by a panel appointed by STAT (see section "Assessment and Qualification" below) and invited to join the Society as Teaching Members.

Student Members receive regular mailings (including Statnews and the STAT Journal) and are encouraged to attend the Annual Conference and to participate in the Student Network Programme (if this can be revived). Membership includes two formal "Moderation" sessions (at about 2/3rds of the way through the training and near the end of the training) with our Moderator, Dorothea Magonet, and other support from our Moderator if needed during the training. Student Membership also includes insurance cover for taking practice students near the end of training (for details on this, see 'Insurance' in the STAT Resources section of the Resources page), a discount of £100 on the cost of 'Final Assessment' (£209 rather than £309) and a free first year of teaching membership (£309 in 2024) after qualification. There is more detailed information on Moderation and Assessment in the section "Assessment and Qualification" below.

A membership fee is charged by the Society of Teachers (STAT) and is currently £80/year (2024/5). There is a list of the benefits of Membership and information on how to apply near the bottom of this page on the STAT website.

A summary of the STAT rules for training courses can be found on the STAT website here. The benefits of a STAT-approved training course are listed on the STAT website here.

Completing your training at MATTS

We make an informal commitment to new students to complete their training over a three year period and, having agreed to train a student, we will do our best to honour this commitment. However, in the event that circumstances make this no longer practical or possible, then we will do everything we can to see to it that the students are able to complete their training in the Manchester area. We have an exceptionally strong and collaborative base of teachers in Greater Manchester, and we expect that if problems should arise with MATTS then the training of students would not be interrupted. Failing that, there are other training courses available throughout the UK.

Should students wish to join the training when we are not able to make a reasonably confident commitment to them for a full three years, we will do our best to be clear how long we expect that the school will remain open. MATTS was started in 2001 on exactly this basis. At that time we found that a sufficient number of new students continued to appear who wished to train. Assuming that this continues to be the case, then we hope the school will remain open until at least 2030.

If, at any point, we find ourselves unable to continue with the course, then we would again do our upmost to provide an extended period of training during which affected students would be able to visit other courses so as to be able to prepare well in advance to complete their training elsewhere.


Completing your training at MATTS as a STAT-approved training course

This is a time of rapidly evolving rules for STAT-approved training courses, especially with regard to part-time training. In addition, the needs of the MATTS students and teachers may change over time. Because of this, we are not able to guarantee to students that MATTS will continue to be ‘STAT approved’ throughout their training, although we consider it to be very unlikely that it will not. Should this status change, our students will continue to receive a first-class standard of training and will still be eligible to join STAT as teaching members at the end of their training via ‘Assessment’.

Course Fees

Course Fees

Full-time course fees are £7,560 per year (from September 2024) in three termly instalments of £2,520, payable at the start of each term. Where fees are increased over the course of the three year training, this will usually be by no more than the rate of inflation. Students who would prefer not to commit to a regular full-time training schedule can pay at the rate of £63/class (from September 2024) (see Part-Time Training below).

Part Time Training

Part-Time Training

Full time training normally takes three years. However, nowadays many students choose to train part-time, and MATTS offers students an unrivalled flexibility in training options. Students can choose to attend classes on a completely flexible basis, without providing any notice of which classes they will attend. We usually recommend (but do not require) that students try to attend for a minimum average of 50% of classes (2 class per week) in any year (36 weeks). This is because intensity of training is generally considered to be an important part of the process of reaching the level of skill required to teach the Technique, especially in the final year of training. However, we still welcome students who are only able to train at a slower rate.

Students who would prefer not to commit to a regular full-time training schedule pay at the rate of £63/class (from September 2024), payable either weekly or at the end of each half term as the student prefers. This is a higher rate than full-time training (20% pro rata), intended to cover some of the extra costs to the training course of being unable to plan reliably for the number of students that will attend each day (and therefore the number of teachers that will be required to ensure a good teacher-student ratio) and of ensuring that part-time students are still able to cover the most important parts of the training over the course of their studies. However, since it is not uncommon for full-time students to miss at least some training days, whilst still being required to pay the full-time rate, it is expected that any additional cost of training incurred by most part-time students will be, in practice, very small.

Assessment and Qualification

Assessment and Qualification

There is an ongoing informal assessment of each trainee jointly by the Director, the Assistant Director and the Moderator (see below) in consultation with other regular teachers. They consider the students’ growth and development, particularly with regard to Alexander Technique skills and understanding through daily hands-on work (one-to-one and group work) and discussion.

The course is based on attendance of 1600 class hours over a minimum of three years and home study. Although it is expected that most students will complete their training successfully after three years of full time training, or the equivalent in part-time training, acceptance on to the course in no way implies automatic qualification. If a question arises over a student’s readiness to qualify, then he or she will be informed as soon as this becomes clear and is usually encouraged to complete extra training on payment of the usual fees. Where this does occur, it is usually not through any fault of the student, as we each have our own individual problems to solve, and it should be noted that some of the most valued teachers of the AT needed to extend their training.

It is a condition of the training that trainees must undertake not to present themselves as teachers of the Technique, nor teach the Technique except under approved supervision, until they have qualified from the course and have been certified by STAT through a process of formal Assessment.

STAT Moderation

"Moderation is an opportunity for each student and their Head of Training to have independent feedback and support from the moderator, a senior teacher with experience of training, during a student's sixth and eighth terms (or at equivalent points in training for part-time students, see next paragraph). The moderator works individually with each student asking them to demonstrate practically their ability to apply the principles of inhibition and direction whilst using their hands. The role of the moderator is advisory and is intended to clarify for both Head of Training and student whether the student is reaching the desired standard for their level of training. Moderation relates to individual students, takes place at a time set in advance and does not involve the training course as a whole." Source: STAT Guide to Moderation.

Students usually receive a first Moderation after about 1066 hours of training (two-thirds of a 1600 hour training) and a second Moderation after about 1425 hours of training (about 90% of a 1600 hour training). Our training course moderator is Dorothea Magonet. Dorothea is a highly experienced and skilled teacher, with many years of experience as a STAT moderator. Moderation is not a "test", in the negative meaning of the term, and is intended more as support and reliable external feedback, and includes a written report. Most students find their Moderations to be an interesting and rewarding experience.

STAT Assessment

On completion of 1600 hours of training students may apply to STAT to be Assessed. The charge for Assessment is £309 (2024), discounted to £209 for STAT Student Members. In addition, STAT Student Members receive a free first year of STAT Teaching Membership (worth £309 in 2024) on successful completion of Assessment.


The Assessment process takes about one and a half a hours, and involves an examination of the candidate's skills in five assessment criteria; work on self, observation & awareness, teaching skills, AT origins & key principles, and professional practice. The Assessment Panel is made of up three very experienced teachers, usually the Director or the Assistant Director of the training course, the Moderator of the training course or another senior teacher known to the student and an External Assessor appointed by STAT.


The latest version of the "STAT Certification Assessment - A Guide for Applicants, July 2023", can be downloaded here.


Students can expect our best advice on when to present themselves for Assessment. Although Assessment is a "test" of a sort, it is carefully designed to a friendly process and it is expected that the great majority of candidates who are informed by their trainers and Moderator that they are ready to be Assessed will be successful at their first attempt.


If a student does not pass Assessment, they will be offered detailed guidance from the Assessment Panel as to where further development in skills is most needed in order to meet the required standard. Students are free to re-present themselves for Assessment after a period of further study.



Having passed formal Assessment, graduates are automatically entitled to join STAT as a Teaching Member (MSTAT). STAT is the oldest and by far the largest representative body of AT teachers and is affiliated with all of the largest AT professional bodies worldwide.


MATTS graduates are entitled (but not required) to join the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) at any time, which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). Because MATTS adheres to the core curriculum and formal qualification requirements of these bodies, at the moment MATTS is one of only three teacher-training courses in the UK whose graduates are also eligible immediately, and without any further study or examination (which can be very onerous), to become members of the CNHC. This membership is increasingly required for teachers wishing to work at colleges and other institutions, is required to obtain referrals from, or to work in, the NHS and is required by some insurers paying for AT lessons.

Reading List

Reading List

The literature on the Alexander Technique is extensive. In addition to simple introductory books, there are many other books intended for special interest groups, such as musicians, actors, horse riders, runners, swimmers etc. as well as books intended for teachers of the Technique. Papers on the Technique have been published in many journals. 

All of the most essential books are in the MATTS library, so you can have a look at them and borrow them from there if you wish. We also stock some new and used books for sale, usually at a large discount.


If you plan to teach the Technique, you should own copies of Alexander's four books:

Man’s Supreme Inheritance (1918)

Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual (1923)

The Use of the Self (1932)

The Universal Constant in Living (1941)

The most recent editions of all these books are all available from Mouritz, although used copies sometimes become available at the school and school group orders from Mouritz save on P&P.

There are also summaries of these books available in book and digital formats that aim to bring out their most central points in shorter form.

Other Essential Books
Carrington, W and Carey, S Explaining the Alexander Technique, Sheildrake Press 1992
Carrington, W Thinking Aloud, Mornum Time Press 1994
Carrington, W The Act of Living, Mornum Time Press 1999
Westfeldt, Lulie F. Matthias Alexander: The Man and His Work (1964), Mouritz 1998

Binkley, Goddard The Expanding Self, STAT Books 1993

Macdonald, Patrick The Alexander Technique as I See It (1989), Mouritz 2015

The recommended reading list on anatomy and physiology, health education, educational psychology, etc. are given at appropriate times during the course. When possible, books will be available on loan to students from the MATTS Library and from course tutors.

Students are also required to become familiar over the course of their training with the various STAT Codes of Professional Conduct, linked on the Members' Resources Page under 'STAT resources', and to be familiar with the major clinical studies on the AT.

Student Support and Feedback

Student Support and Feedback

As described above (Philosophy and Aims), a foundational aim of the course is the creation of a supportive and safe learning environment.


As such, on an ongoing basis, students benefit from support and feedback from the regular teachers, visiting teachers and the other students. In particular:

  • Student well-being is informally monitored by the regular teaching staff (and discussed as necessary and as part of teachers’ meetings (see below).

  • Students have the support of the Moderator.

  • The course Director arranges an informal meeting with each student once each training year to check that all is well, and at any other time on on request.

  • Students are also encouraged to meet with a second teacher of their choice once each term.


Students are given guidance and support in the maintenance of a reflective diary of their training to clarify and enhance their learning, and as an aid to self-assessment. Students are given the opportunity to review their use of their diary individually with the module tutor.


Students are encouraged to join the STAT student network and to continue to visit the school after graduation (see above, in the 'Philosophy and Aims' section, ‘Postgraduate Support’).



As part of usual good practice to improve training, we regularly seek feedback from the students on their experience of the teaching and other aspects of the running of the school. As such, we actively encourage ongoing feedback and provide an annual opportunity for students to provide anonymously their comments and suggestions. Teachers are also be encouraged to provide feedback with a view to constant improvement of the training experience.


There are regular meetings of the MATTS teachers to allow us to share our experiences, plan the training on an ongoing basis and to discuss progress of the students. Teachers are also be encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions. In this way we hope to detect problems early and to make further improvements in the running of the school.


In line with current STAT Training Course Practice (section 18), students are invited to use a feedback form based on the STAT template during and on completion of their training and to nominate a student representative.


Formal questions or complaints

Any questions or complaints presented in writing by a student concerning administration, training or the student’s progress will be answered clearly by the course director within two weeks. The request will be handled confidentially. The questions or complaints will be filed until the student’s qualification.


If students have any complaints about the course which they cannot resolve with the course director, they may contact the independent course Moderator, who will endeavour to address the request within three weeks.


If the complaint still cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the student will then be invited to make use of the STAT Students’ Conciliation and Disputes Procedure.

Staff Development and CPD

Staff Development and CPD

All of our regular teaching staff have a long-standing commitment to continuing professional development. The goal of all the classes, and of the Thursday Class in particular, is at least as much the development of established teachers as the training of new teachers, as the two are inextricably linked in all practical teaching of the Alexander Technique.

All teachers are encouraged and supported to participate actively, according to their interests, abilities and confidence, in the day to day running of the class; to give ‘turns’, to demonstrate ‘games’, to take hands-on groups and to present talks.

It is our intention that MATTS should continue to provide a centre for excellence and CPD for Greater Manchester and the entire north of England. As well as drawing on our own very considerable pool of talent and experience, occasional visits by notable teachers from outside the area provide further opportunities for learning.



Please note this information is provided for general guidance only. All aspects of the course are under continuing review and the Director of the school reserves the right to make changes in response to students’ needs and to improve the quality of training. In addition, students who do not attend on all course days may miss some content and this may not always be repeated during the course of their training.

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