Manchester Alexander Technique
Training School
Est. 2001
Malcolm Williamson

Malcolm Williamson is the 'Director Emeritus' of MATTS and is currently the assistant director of the school. Scroll down for an extended biography and a list of his publications.
Private Teaching Practice
Malcolm offers private lessons at his practice in Fallowfield, south of Manchester City Centre. He is also sometimes available for lessons at the MATTS main site in Wilmslow.
Malcolm can be reached by email or telephone as follows:
Malcolm's website is at
Extended Biography
Malcolm was MATTS’ Head of Training 2001 – 2017.
Malcolm began Alexander Technique lessons while studying viola at the Royal College of Music in London. He was principal viola in the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra, and played for many years with the Scottish National Orchestra, additionally playing as a freelance with major UK orchestras.
Qualifying as a teacher with Walter and Dilys Carrington (Constructive Teaching Centre, CTC) he was appointed as a tutor at the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM), Manchester. He ran a successful practice in Richmond, Surrey for many years and taught regularly at the CTC. He served on STAT’s governing council for ten years in various roles: Treasurer, Chair, Past Chair, International Liaison, and Editor of the newsletter, Statnews.
In 2001, Malcolm moved to Manchester and founded the Manchester Alexander Technique Training School. He has been a regular visitor to the Amsterdam school run by Paul Versteeg and Tessa Marwick and has visited the school in Tallinn. He has been a contributor and editor of several books and is a regular contributor to Statnews and the Alexander Journal. In 2016 he gave the Annual Memorial Lecture on the influence of William James (‘Beyond Words’) and is currently a member of the Society’s Training Course Committee.
Malcolm is a visiting senior teacher at the Edinburgh Alexander Training School, and continues teaching at the RNCM and in private practice in Fallowfield, South Manchester.
Malcolm's publications are extensive. The list below contains only a few of these.
Connected Perspectives (Hite 2015). ‘Speaking with the Tongues of Men and Angels’
Dewey and Education in the 21st Century: Fighting back (Emerald Publishing 2018). ‘Dewey and the Alexander Technique: Lessons in Mind-Body Learning’ (joint author)
Towards Vocal Freedom, Gerald Wragg (Mouritz 2017) (editor)
In The Moment, Spring 2014 (AuSTAT)
- How did the concept of ‘primary control’ evolve during Alexander’s life time?
Alexander Journal
No. 26, Spring 2017
- Family Fortunes
- Beyond Words (FM Alexander Memorial Lecture)
- Dewey’s influence on Alexander
No. 27, Spring 2019
- Putting the psyche into psychophysical
- The emancipation of the upper limbs: ‘Hands on the back of a chair’ revisted
No. 28, Spring 2021
- How did the concept of ‘primary control’ evolve during Alexander’s life time?
- Lengthening and widening, and Alexander’s ‘secret’
AmSAT Journal
No. 17, Fall 2020
- Associative Learning
No. 16, Fall 2019
- Conscious control – What Exactly is Going On?
STATNEWS (selection)
- January 2015
James Faucit Cathcart (1828-1902)
- January 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6
Fruits of a visionary association (report on Cambridge conference)
- September 2017, Volume 9, Issue 8
. . . of the individual (Dewey, Nietzsche)
- January 2018, Volume 9, Issue 9
The Manchester Alexander Teacher Training School
- May 2019, Volume 10, Issue 2
You too can have a body like mine (Eugen Sandow)
- January 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
Polyvagal theory can inform teaching the Alexander Technique
Inhibition, presencing; learning and creativity
- January 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
Changing times: On-line teaching